Nataliia Ladynska

Nataliia Ladynska

Psychologist, Psychotherapist


When it comes to gestalt therapy, we delve into the amazing world of self-discovery, understanding, and interaction. This certainly does not mean that you will sit on the couch and I will give you a puzzle piece to “put yourself together”.

Instead, I will be with you in searching for the missing pieces of yourself, helping your personality to unfold, first healing the wounds. After that, it will be able to become not just a flat drawing, but a three-dimensional figure that can occupy space and influence it.

One of the key principles of gestalt therapy is the idea that we are holistic systems. All our thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations, and behavior are interconnected and influence each other. That is why gestalt therapy helps us to understand these connections and see how they affect our lives.


  • 2018

    Open International University of Human Development “Ukraine”

    Master’s degree in Psychology


  • Additional Professional Specialized Training

    • Certified and accredited as a gestalt therapist under the NAGT standards according to EAGT
    • Gestalt therapy and systemic approach in working with families
    • Clinical approach in gestalt therapy
    • Therapy of eating disorders and disturbances
