These materials were provided for the support program, organized, and conducted on a volunteer basis by the  Association of Doctors and Psychologists “Eating Disorders: Therapy and Prevention” and by a team of psychologists from Patrick’s Mental Health Services (Dublin, Ireland).

We express our deep gratitude to colleagues who led and supported this project:

St Patrick’s Mental Health Services (SPMHS), Dublin, Ireland.

Psychology Department:

  • Adj Prof Clodagh Dowling, Director of Psychology at SPMHS & Adj Prof at the School of Psychology, University College Dublin (UCD)
  • Dr. Clíona Hallissey Clinical Psychologist, SPMHS
  • Dr. Marion Mernagh Clinical Psychologist, SPMHS
  • Lizzy O’ Brien, Assistant Psychologist, SPMHS


The Psychology Department from SPMHS would like to thank and acknowledge Dr Ken Goss Consultant, Psychologist and founder/ developer of CFT-E for all his support, mentorship and generosity.


Communications Department:

  • Sinéad Makk, Communications Manager, SPMHS
  • Katie Crosby, Communications Officer, SPMHS
  • Tamara Nolan, Director of Communications, SPMHS 


Association of Doctors and Psychologists: “Eating Disorders: Therapy and Prevention”

  • Tetyana Nazarenko: psychologist, psychotherapist, chairman of the board of the Association
  • Dr Maryna Fatieieva, psychologist, PhD


Marina Svētiņa: nutritionist, Children’s clinical university hospital of Riga (Latvia)



  • Kateryna Chudnenko: psychologist and psychotherapist from St Patrick’s Mental Health Services.








Note it may be helpful to do this questionnaire with both parents/ caregivers and the young person. If possible please meet them together and separately.


Name of the young person:

Name of parent/caregiver(s) present at the assessment (if not a parent please specify the relationship the caregiver has with the young person)

Date of Birth:




Current Living Situation where and who with?:

  • Location:
  • Setting (e.g. private accommodation, host family, hotel/hostel etc.):
  • Who are you living with (name their relationship with you e.g. sister, mother etc.):

Family Composition: (or Who is in your immediate family? (feel free to do a genogram if that is helpful)


General Practioner/Local Doctor contact details:


Key tasks of interview:

□    Symptom Assessment

□    Risk Assessment \ Risk Management Plan.

□    Make treatment recommendations based on need, motivation, severity and supports


Give out questionnaires (name the specific questionnaires to give out here)

Administer the following measures to young people:

  • SCORE-15
  • Eating Questionnaire-A (EDE-A)
  • Revised Children’s Anxiety and Depression Scale (RCADS)
  • Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) S11-17/ Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) S18+


Administer the following measures to parents:

  • Revised Children’s Anxiety and Depression Scale – Parent (RCADS-P)
  • Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) S11-17/ Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) S18+
  • SCORE-15


Orientation and Motivation

□       How do you feel about being here today? Whose idea was it that you come?  Who was most keen on you coming?

□       What thoughts do you have (if any) about what you want to get out of this appointment?



Current Eating Disorder Symptoms

□       Please describe the things that you (or the person who wanted you to come) are finding difficult at the moment.


Eating Disorder Symptoms

Eating Disorder SymptomDuration &


Food restriction

Calories/Portion sizes

No. of episodes/spacing

Skipping meals






Foods avoided/excluded

Fear, intolerance

Moral choice

Fluid overload to avoid eating 



Fluid restriction

Amount drunk







Binge foods




Chewing and spitting out food \ regurgitation
Drugs for weight loss










Eating speed & other rituals




Mirror/body checking








Problems with buying food \ preparing & cooking food
Social difficulties related to food \ size shape
If female: Menstruating



Eating Disorder Symptom History

        When did these difficulties begin? (PROMPTS – Did any stressful events occur around this time, i.e. trauma, negative feedback about weight/body image? If not sometimes positive feedback can also be a trigger for example someone commenting on accidental weight loss, did this ever happen to you?

Any illnesses/physical conditions around this time that led to weight loss?)

□    What ideas do you, or other people, have about how these difficulties developed?

       Have these difficulties changed over time? 

(PROMPT: Explore significant changes in symptom presentation, age, & brief explanation for changes)

  Has anyone else had worries about eating or body size and shape in the family? Explore more- who, how do you know, did they get treatment?

□  Does the young person relate to any of the following predisposing feelings and behaviours? (add more detail below if you wish)

  • An anxious temperament prior to the development of an eating disorder.
  • High Threat Sensitivity; hypervigilance e.g. looking for threats
  • Perfectionism/obsessive compulsive traits e.g. wanting things a certain way
  • Low Tolerance of Uncertainty: liking to know what is happening next
  • Inflexibility; finding it hard when things change
  • Harm Avoidance e.g. avoiding things that may lead you to feel uncomfortable
  • Alexithymia e.g. not knowing how you feel
  • Low Tolerance of Negative Emotions. Finding it hard to feel upset/ distressed


Weight History & Current Weight

□    Have there been any changes in your weight over the last 12 months? Who noticed this first?

□    Have there been any changes in your weight over the last month?

(PROMPT: Has client’s weight been stable, or have they gained or lost weight over last 12 months, how much/how quickly, include unintentional weight loss/gain & reasons i.e. illness/medication)

□       Do you feel comfortable knowing your current weight?

 □       Client weighed at screening and height taken.

BMI = (Weight in kilograms) + (Height in metres x Height in metres)

Height:                             Weight:                            BMI:

□       Is this a weight you feel happy with or do you feel over or underweight? Would anyone at home disagree/ agree?


Physical Health and Well-being

□    Have you noticed any physical symptoms associated with your eating disorder and/or any other physical health concerns for example low energy, stomach problems ? Is anyone else worried about your health? Who? What would they say?

□    Are you and the above issues being monitored by your GP/doctor ? Have you had any  tests or treatment for these physical health difficulties related to your eating difficulties?

□    IF FEMALE: Do you currently have regular menstrual periods?

□    Do you have any other physical difficulties/problems?


Mental Health Risk Assessment

□    Explore current Psychiatric Co-Morbidity (e.g. depression, anxiety etc- please also refer to the questionnaires completed by the young person ). 

□ If you were emotionally upset what would you do? (PROMPT – ask for a specific memory)

 If you were physically sick/ unwell what would you do? (PROMPT – ask for a specific memory)

□       Do you take any drugs? (please specify what and amount)

Do you consume any alcohol? (please specify approx amount)

□    Risk of harm to self or others

(PROMPTs: Including self-harm, reckless behaviours, suicidal ideation, planning, intent, previous suicide attempts, protective factors)

(PROMPT: Physical or verbal aggression to others; eating disorder behaviours) (if suicidal what would you do?)

       Current Risk Management

 (PROMPT: How does the person typically respond to stressful events, are there any stressful events foreseeable in the near future, what plans (if any) do they have to cope with these? Does the person have insight into risk? Who supports them in managing current risks?


Treatment History

□    Have you ever had treatment for your eating difficulties before?

(PROMPT: Ask them to describe when (e.g. approximate date), with whom (what type of service), length of each episode)

 □       What was helpful/unhelpful in your previous treatment(s)?

□       Have you had any treatment for any other mental health difficulties i.e. depression/anxiety? (What type of treatment (e.g. medication/therapy etc), when, how long did this treatment last for?)


Personal History

□       Current circumstances

(PROMPT: Ask about accommodation status, home life, family relationships, for parents/ caregivers ask about employment status, finances)

□ What happens when people disagree at home? who are you most like at home? who are you closest to- why is that? Who are you least close to- why is that?

□       Family/social history:

 (PROMPT: Ask about important life events, trauma, separations & loss)

 □       Education History

(PROMPT- where and when they started primary and secondary school, any transitions/changes to schooling, are they currently attending a school? How do they get on in school? (academically and socially))


Patterns, Triggers and Consequences

Have you noticed anything that is likely to make your difficulties worse (what guarantees that you would restrict, binge, purge, worry about your shape etc)?

(PROMPT: explore events, relationships, interpersonal conflict, problematic feelings, separations/losses, thoughts etc What happened after you started losing weight? i.e. feeling less anxious, positive feedback from the environment, feeling more in control, etc. Hold in mind the impact of the ED on the family as a whole: Parent and Child Anxiety (Inc splitting), guilt/blame leading to anger, feeling controlled helpless, feeling overwhelmed/reduction in ability to mentalise (family tension ++), Interactions rigid+, withdrawal/negotiation, accommodation of AN.

 □    Is there anything that you or people around you could do that has ever helped you to reduce or stop your eating disorder behaviour? (PROMPT- for any eating disorder behaviours they have already mentioned)

□    Thinking back over the difficulties that you have described; have there been any costs of having your eating disorder that have affected your life? If no, check if anyone at home would see this differently? What would they say?

□    Have there been any costs of having your eating disorder that have affected the lives of the people close to you? if no, would you think anyone else would disagree with you? what would they think?

□    Do you want to work on moving on from your eating difficulties?

□    Does anything concern you about working on your eating difficulties at present?



Support Networks

□       Do you have friends? How often are you in contact with them?

□    Who knows about your difficulties?

□    Does anyone else need to know about your difficulties and would anything stop you from telling them?

□    What hobbies or activities do you like doing?


Additional Information

□       Is there anything else in your life that you are finding upsetting or difficult to manage in addition to your difficulties around eating that you feel it is important we know about?

□       Is there anything that would stop you  accessing treatment (e.g. uncertainty, safety)?

□    Is there anything you want to ask us (or anything you want to tell us that you would have expected us to ask about)?


Mini Meal

If you have concerns about the young person engaging in psychological intervention please ask them to eat a mini snack in front of you at the end of the assessmentand observe how they get on.

  • Does the young person eat the snack?
  • What did you observe?
  • If a parent/guardian was present how did they respond?

The mini meal is not a routine intervention and should be used only when warranted by the clinical condition of the child i.e. when the child is seriously unwell, possibly becoming medically unstable and if s/he is unable to eat.

 Mini meal (coined “milk and biscuit test” by our paediatrician) is to test out the possibility of avoiding a hospital admission by restarting eating during the assessment feedback. The therapist needs a clear contingency plan in case the child does not eat (including checking the availability of paediatric beds should an admission be needed). This should always be congruent with the specific clinical situation and any additional action be clearly seen as a consequence of the child being unable to eat and the increased risk that this entails. This may require asking the family to return to the clinic the following day for further medical review and monitoring or that an immediate paediatric admission is necessary.




These materials were provided for the support program, organized, and conducted on a volunteer basis by the  Association of Doctors and Psychologists “Eating Disorders: Therapy and Prevention” and by a team of psychologists from Patrick’s Mental Health Services (Dublin, Ireland).

We express our deep gratitude to colleagues who led and supported this project:

St Patrick’s Mental Health Services (SPMHS), Dublin, Ireland.

Psychology Department:

  • Adj Prof Clodagh Dowling, Director of Psychology at SPMHS & Adj Prof at the School of Psychology, University College Dublin (UCD)
  • Dr. Clíona Hallissey Clinical Psychologist, SPMHS
  • Dr. Marion Mernagh Clinical Psychologist, SPMHS
  • Lizzy O’ Brien, Assistant Psychologist, SPMHS


The Psychology Department from SPMHS would like to thank and acknowledge Dr Ken Goss Consultant, Psychologist and founder/ developer of CFT-E for all his support, mentorship and generosity.


Communications Department:

  • Sinéad Makk, Communications Manager, SPMHS
  • Katie Crosby, Communications Officer, SPMHS
  • Tamara Nolan, Director of Communications, SPMHS 


Association of Doctors and Psychologists: “Eating Disorders: Therapy and Prevention”

  • Tetyana Nazarenko: psychologist, psychotherapist, chairman of the board of the Association
  • Dr Maryna Fatieieva, psychologist, PhD


Marina Svētiņa: nutritionist, Children’s clinical university hospital of Riga (Latvia)



  • Kateryna Chudnenko: psychologist and psychotherapist from St Patrick’s Mental Health Services.



Multi-Family Therapy for Anorexia Nervosa

Young Person Measures




Date of Birth:



Revised Children’s Anxiety and Depression Scale (RCADS)

Instructions: Please put a circle around the word that shows how often each of these things happens to you. There are no right or wrong answers.


0.      Never1.      Sometimes2.      Often3.      Always
1.      I worry about things0123
2.      I feel sad or empty0123
3.      When I have a problem, I get a funny feeling in my stomach0123
4.      I worry when I think I have done poorly at something0123
5.      I would feel afraid of being on my own at home0123
6.      Nothing is much fun anymore0123
7.      I feel scared when I have to take a test0123
8.      I feel worried when I think someone is angry with me.0123
9.      I worry about being away from my parent0123
10.  I am bothered by bad or silly thoughts or pictures in my mind0123
11.  I have trouble sleeping0123
12.  I worry that I will do badly at my school work0123
13.  I worry that something awful will happen someone in my family0123
14.  I suddenly feel as if I can’t breathe when there is no reason for this0123
15.  I have problems with my appetite0123
16.  I have to keep checking that I have done things right (like the switch is off, of the door is locked)0123
17.  I feel scared if I have to sleep on my own0123
18.  I have trouble going to school in the mornings because I feel nervous or afraid0123
19.  I have no energy for things0123
20.  I worry I might look foolish0123
21.  I am tired a lot0123
22.  I worry that bad things will happen to me0123
23.  I can’t seem to get bad or silly thoughts out of my head0123
24.  When I have a problem, my heart beats really fast0123
25.  I cannot think clearly0123
26.  I suddenly start to tremble or shake when there is no reason for this0123
27.  I worry that something bad will happen to me0123
28.  When I have a problem, I feel shaky0123
29.  I feel worthless0123
30.  I worry about making mistakes0123
31.  I have to think of special thoughts (like numbers or words) to stop bad things from happening0123
32.  I worry what other people think of me0123
33.  I am afraid of being in crowded places (like shopping centres, the movies, buses, busy playgrounds)0123
34.  All of  a sudden I feel really scared for no reason at all0123
35.  I worry about what is going to happen0123
36.  I suddenly become dizzy or faint when there is no reason for this0123
37.  I think about death0123
38.  I feel afraid if I have to talk in front of my class0123
39.  My heart suddenly starts to beat too quickly for no reason0123
40.  I feel like I don’t want to move0123
41.  I worry that I will suddenly get a scared feeling when there is nothing to be afraid of0123
42.  I have to do some things over and over again (like washing my hands, cleaning, or putting things in a certain order)0123
43.  I feel afraid that I will make a fool of myself in front of other people0123
44.  I have to do some things in just the right way to stop bad things from happening0123
45.  I worry when I go to bed at night0123
46.  I would feel scared if I had to stay away from home overnight0123
47.  I feel restless0123



Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) S11-17

Instructions: For each item, please mark the box for Not True, Somewhat True or Certainly True. It would help us if you answered all items as best you can even if you are not absolutely certain or the item seems daft! Please give your answers on the basis of how things have been for you over the last six months.

0.      Not True1.      Somewhat True2.      Certainly True
1.      I try to be nice to other people. I care about their feelings012
2.      I am restless, I cannot stay still for long012
3.      I get a lot of headaches, stomach-aches, or sickness012
4.      I usually share with others (food, games, pens etc.)012
5.      I get very angry and often lose my temper012
6.      I am usually on my own. I generally play alone or keep to myself012
7.      I usually do as I am told012
8.      I worry a lot012
9.      I am helpful if someone is hurt, upset or feeling ill012
10.  I am constantly fidgeting or squirming012
11.  I have one good friend or more012
12.  I fight a lot. I can make other people do what I want012
13.  I am often unhappy, down-hearted or tearful012
14.  Other people my age generally like me012
15.  I am easily distracted, I find it difficult to concentrate012
16.  I am nervous in new situations. I easily lose confidence012
17.  I am kind to younger children012
18.  I am often accused of lying or cheating012
19.  Other children or young people pick on me or bully me012
20.  I often volunteer to help others (parents, teachers, children)012
21.  I think before I do things012
22.  I take things that are not mine from home, school or elsewhere012
23.  I get along better with adults than with people my own age012
24.  I have many fears, I am easily scared012
25.  I finish the work I’m doing. My attention is good012


Do you have any other comments or concerns?



Overall, do you think that you have difficulties in one or more of the following areas: emotions, concentration, behaviour or being able to get on with other people?
NoYes – minor difficultiesYes – definite difficultiesYes – severe difficulties


If you answered “Yes”, please answer the following questions about these difficulties:

How long have these difficulties been present?
Less than a month1-5 months6-12 monthsOver a year
Do these difficulties upset or distress you?
Not at allOnly a littleQuite a lotA great deal
Do the difficulties interfere with your everyday life in the following areas?
HOME LIFENot at allOnly a littleQuite a lotA great deal
FRIENDSHIPSNot at allOnly a littleQuite a lotA great deal
CLASSROOM LEARNINGNot at allOnly a littleQuite a lotA great deal
LEISURE ACTIVITIESNot at allOnly a littleQuite a lotA great deal
Do these difficulties made it harder for those around you (family, friends teachers etc.)?
Not at allOnly a littleQuite a lotA great deal





Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) S18+

Instructions: For each item, please mark the box for Not True, Somewhat True or Certainly True. It would help us if you answered all items as best you can even if you are not absolutely certain. Please give your answers on the basis of how things have been for you over the last six months.

0.      Not True1.      Somewhat True2.      Certainly True
1.      I try to be nice to other people. I care about their feelings012
2.      I am restless, I cannot stay still for long012
3.      I get a lot of headaches, stomach-aches, or sickness012
4.      I usually share with others, for example food or drink012
5.      I get very angry and often lose my temper012
6.      I would rather be alone than with other people012
7.      I am generally willing to do what other people want012
8.      I worry a lot012
9.      I am helpful if someone is hurt, upset or feeling ill012
10.  I am constantly fidgeting or squirming012
11.  I have at least one good friend012
12.  I fight a lot. I can make other people do what I want012
13.  I am often unhappy, depressed or tearful012
14.  Other people generally like me012
15.  I am easily distracted, I find it difficult to concentrate012
16.  I am nervous in new situations. I easily lose confidence012
17.  I am kind to children012
18.  I am often accused of lying or cheating012
19.  Other people pick on me or bully me012
20.  I often offer to help others (family members, friends, colleagues)012
21.  I think before I do things012
22.  I take things that are not mine from home, work or elsewhere012
23.  I get along better with older people than with people my own age012
24.  I have many fears, I am easily scared012
25.  I finish the work I’m doing. My attention is good012



Do you have any other comments or concerns?


Overall, do you think that you have difficulties in one or more of the following areas: emotions, concentration, behaviour or being able to get on with other people?
NoYes – minor difficultiesYes – definite difficultiesYes – severe difficulties


If you answered “Yes”, please answer the following questions about these difficulties:


How long have these difficulties been present?

Less than a month1-5 months6-12 monthsOver a year

Do these difficulties upset or distress you?

Not at allOnly a littleQuite a lotA great deal

Do the difficulties interfere with your everyday life in the following areas?

Getting along with the people you are closest to (e.g. family, partner)Not at allOnly a littleQuite a lotA great deal
Making and keeping friendsNot at allOnly a littleQuite a lotA great deal
Work or studyNot at allOnly a littleQuite a lotA great deal
Hobbies, sports or other leisure activitiesNot at allOnly a littleQuite a lotA great deal
Do these difficulties made it harder for those around you (family, friends etc.)?
Not at allOnly a littleQuite a lotA great deal




Instructions: We would like you to tell us about how you see your family at the moment. So we are asking for YOUR view of your family.

When people say ‘your family’ they often mean the people who live in your house. But we want you to choose who you want to count as the family you are going to describe.

For each item, make your choice by putting a circle around just one of the options numbered 1 to 5. If a statement was “We are always fighting each other” and you felt this was not especially true of your family, you would put a tick in box 4 for “Describes us: not well”.

Do not think for too long about any question, but do try to circle on of the options for each question.

1.      Describes us: Very well2.      Describes us: well3.      Describes us: Partly4.      Describes us: Not well5.      Describes us: Not at all
1.      In my family we talk to each other about things which matter to us12345
2.      People often don’t tell each other the truth in my family12345
3.      Each of us gets listened to in our family12345
4.      It feels risky to disagree in our family12345
5.      We find it hard to deal with everyday problems12345
6.      We trust each other12345
7.      It feels miserable in our family12345
8.      When people in my family get angry they ignore each other on purpose12345
9.      We seem to go from one crisis to another in my family12345
10.  When one of us is upset they get looked after within the family12345
11.  Things always seem to go wrong for my family12345
12.  People in the family are nasty to each other12345
13.  People in my family interfere too much in each other’s lives12345
14.   In my family we blame each other when things go wrong12345
15.  We are good at finding new ways to deal with things that are difficult12345


What words would best describe your family?


What is the problem/challenge that brought you to therapy? The main problem is


How severe is it? Please mark your answer on the line below:
No problem at all                                                                                                                  Really bad



How are you managing as a family?

Very well                                                                                                                                  Very badly



Do you think the therapy here will be / has been helpful?

Very helpful                                                                                                                             Unhelpful






Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE)

Instructions: Please record the appropriate answer for each item, depending on whether you

Strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with it.

1 = Strongly agree

2 = Agree

3 = Disagree

4 = Strongly disagree




1= Strongly agree2 = Agree 3 = Disagree 4 = Strongly agree
  1. On the whole I am satisfied with myself.1234
  2. At times I think I am no good at all.1234
0.      I feel that I have a number of good qualities.1    234
1.      I am able to do things as well as most other people.1234
2.      I feel I do not have much to be proud of.1234
3.      I certainly feel useless at times.1234
4.      I feel that I am a person of worth,

at least on equal plane with others.

5.      I wish I could have more respect for myself.1234
6.      All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a failure.1234
7.      I take a positive attitude towards myself.1234






Instructions: The following questions are concerned with the PAST FOUR WEEKS ONLY (28 days).  Please read each question carefully and circle the appropriate number. Please answer all the questions.


















1.Have you been deliberately trying to limit the amount of food you eat to influence your shape or weight? 














2.Have you gone for long periods of time (8 hours or more) without eating anything to influence your shape weight? 














3.Have you tried to avoid eating any foods which you like to influence your shape or weight? 














4.Have you tried to follow definite rules regarding your eating to influence your shape or weight; for example, a calorie limit, a set amount of food, or rules about what or when you should eat? 














5.Have you wanted your stomach to be empty? 














6.Has thinking about food or its calorie content made it much more difficult to concentrate on things you are interested in; for example, read, watch TV, or follow a conversation? 














7.Have you been afraid of losing control over eating?
















8.Have you had episodes of binge eating? 














9.Have you eaten in secret?  (Do not count binges) 














10.Have you wanted your stomach to be flat? 














11.Has thinking about shape or weight made it more difficult to concentrate on things you are interested in; for example, read, watch TV or follow a conversation? 














12.Have you had a definite fear that you might gain weight or become fat? 














13.Have you felt fat? 














14.Have you had a strong desire to lose weight? 

















15.On what proportion of times that you have eaten have you felt guilty because the effect on your shape or weight?  (Do not count binges) (Circle the number which applies)


0 – None of the times

1 – A few of the times

2 – Less than half the time

3 – Half the time

4 – More than half the time

5 – Most of the time

6 – Every time

16.Over the past four weeks (28 days), have there been any times when you have felt that you have eaten what other people would regard as an unusually large amount of food given the circumstances?  (Please put appropriate number in box)


0 – No

1 – Yes               [    ]


17.How many such episodes have you had over the past four weeks?



                         [   ]


18.During how many of these episodes of overeating did you have a sense of having lost control over your eating?



[   ]

19.Have you had other episodes of eating in which you have had a sense of having lost control and eaten too much, but have not eaten an unusually large amount of food given the circumstances?


0 – No

1 – Yes

20How many such episodes have you had over the past four weeks?




[   ]

21.Over the past four weeks have you made yourself sick (vomit) as a means of controlling your shape or weight?


0 – No

1 – Yes

22.How many times have you done this over the past four weeks?




[   ]

23.Have you taken laxatives as a means of controlling your shape or weight?


0 – No

1 – Yes

24.How many times have you done this over the past four weeks?




[   ]

25.Have you taken diuretics (water tablets) as a means of controlling your shape or weight?


0 – No

1 – Yes

26.How many times have you done this over the past four weeks?




[   ]

27.Have you exercised hard as a means of controlling your shape or weight?0 – No

1 – Yes


28.How many times have you done this over the past four weeks?




[   ]

OVER THE PAST 28 DAYS… (Please circle the number which best describes your behaviour)NOT AT ALL SLIGHT-LY MODER-ATELY MARK-EDLY
29.Has your weight influenced how you think about (judge) yourself as a person? 





















30.Has your shape influenced how you think about (judge) yourself as a person? 





















31.How much would it upset you if you had to weigh yourself once a week for the next four weeks? 




























32.How dissatisfied have you felt about your weight? 














33.How dissatisfied have you felt about your shape? 














34.How concerned have you been about other people seeing you eat? 





















35.How uncomfortable have you felt seeing your body; for example, in the mirror, in shop window reflections, while undressing or taking a bath or shower? 










































36.How uncomfortable have you felt about others seeing your body; for example, in communal changing rooms, when swimming or wearing tight clothes? 
















































These materials were provided for the support program, organized, and conducted on a volunteer basis by the  Association of Doctors and Psychologists “Eating Disorders: Therapy and Prevention” and by a team of psychologists from Patrick’s Mental Health Services (Dublin, Ireland).

We express our deep gratitude to colleagues who led and supported this project:

St Patrick’s Mental Health Services (SPMHS), Dublin, Ireland.

Psychology Department:

  • Adj Prof Clodagh Dowling, Director of Psychology at SPMHS & Adj Prof at the School of Psychology, University College Dublin (UCD)
  • Dr. Clíona Hallissey Clinical Psychologist, SPMHS
  • Dr. Marion Mernagh Clinical Psychologist, SPMHS
  • Lizzy O’ Brien, Assistant Psychologist, SPMHS


The Psychology Department from SPMHS would like to thank and acknowledge Dr Ken Goss Consultant, Psychologist and founder/ developer of CFT-E for all his support, mentorship and generosity.


Communications Department:

  • Sinéad Makk, Communications Manager, SPMHS
  • Katie Crosby, Communications Officer, SPMHS
  • Tamara Nolan, Director of Communications, SPMHS 


Association of Doctors and Psychologists: “Eating Disorders: Therapy and Prevention”

  • Tetyana Nazarenko: psychologist, psychotherapist, chairman of the board of the Association
  • Dr Maryna Fatieieva, psychologist, PhD


Marina Svētiņa: nutritionist, Children’s clinical university hospital of Riga (Latvia)



  • Kateryna Chudnenko: psychologist and psychotherapist from St Patrick’s Mental Health Services.


Multi-Family Therapy for Anorexia Nervosa
Parent Measures




Revised Children’s Anxiety and Depression Scale – Parent (RCADS-P)

Instructions: Please put a circle around the word that shows how often each of these things happens to your child. There are no right or wrong answers.


0.      Never1.      Sometimes2.      Often3.      Always
1.      My child worries about things0123
2.      My child feels sad or empty0123
3.      When my child has a problem, he/she gets a funny feeling in his/her stomach0123
4.      My child worries when he/she thinks he/she has done poorly at something0123
5.      My child feels afraid of being alone at home0123
6.      Nothing is much fun for my child anymore0123
7.      My child feels scared when taking a test0123
8.      My child worries when he/she thinks someone is angry with him/her0123
9.      My child worries about being away from me0123
10.  My child is bothered by bad or silly thoughts or pictures in his/her mind0123
11.  My child has trouble sleeping0123
12.  My child worries about doing badly at school work0123
13.  My child worries that something awful will happen to someone in the family0123
14.  My child suddenly feels as if he/she can’t breathe when there is no reason for this0123
15.  My child has problems with his/her appetite0123
16.  My child has to keep checking that he/she has done things right (like the switch is off, or the door is locked)0123
17.  My child feels scared to sleep on his/her own0123
18.  My child has trouble going to school in the mornings because of feeling nervous or afraid0123
19.  My child has no energy for things0123
20.  My child worries about looking foolish0123
21.  My child is tired a lot0123
22.  My child worries that bad things will happen to him/her0123
23.  My child can’t seem to get bad or silly thoughts out of his/her head0123
24.  When my child has a problem, his/her heart beats really fast0123
25.  My child cannot think clearly0123
26.  My child suddenly starts to tremble or shake when there is no reason for this0123
27.  My child worries that something bad will happen to him/her0123
28.  When my child has a problem, he/she feels shaky0123
29.  My child feels worthless0123
30.  My child worries about making mistakes0123
31.  My child has to think of special thoughts (like numbers or words) to stop bad things from happening0123
32.  My child worries what other people think of him/her0123
33.  My child is afraid of being in crowded places (like shopping centres, the movies, buses, busy playgrounds)0123
34.  All of a sudden my child will feel really scared for no reason at all0123
35.  My child worries about what is going to happen0123
36.  My child suddenly becomes dizzy or faint when there is no reason for this0123
37.  My child thinks about death0123
38.  My child feels afraid if he/she have to talk in front of his/her class0123
39.  My child’s heart suddenly starts to beat too quickly for no reason0123
40.  My child feels like he/she doesn’t want to move0123
41.  My child worries that he/she will suddenly get a scared feeling when there is nothing to be afraid of0123
42.  My child has to do some things over and over again (like washing hands, cleaning, or putting things in a certain order)0123
43.  My child feels afraid that he/she will make a fool of him/herself in front of other people0123
44.  My child has to do some things in just the right way to stop bad things from happening0123
45.   My child worries when in bed at night0123
46.  My child would feel scared if he/she had to stay away from home overnight0123
47.  My child feels restless0123



Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) S11-17

Instructions: For each item, please mark the box for Not True, Somewhat True or Certainly True. It would help us if you answered all items as best you can even if you are not absolutely certain or the item seems daft! Please give your answers on the basis of the child’s behaviour over the last six months.


0.      Not True1.      Somewhat True2.      Certainly True
1.      Considerate of other people’s feelings012
2.      Restless, overactive, cannot stay still for long012
3.      Often complains of headaches, stomach-aches or sickness012
4.      Shares readily with other children (treats, toys, pencils etc.)012
5.      Often has temper tantrums or hot tempers012
6.      Rather solitary, tends to play alone012
7.      Generally obedient, usually does what adults request012
8.      Many worries, often seems worried012
9.      Helpful if someone is hurt, upset or feeling ill012
10.  Constantly fidgeting or squirming012
11.  Has at least one good friend012
12.  Often fights with other children or bullies them012
13.  Often unhappy, down-hearted or tearful012
14.  Generally liked by other children012
15.  Easily distracted, concentration wander012
16.  Nervous or clingy in new situations, easily loses confidence012
17.  Kind to younger children012
18.  Often lies or cheats012
19.  Picked on or bullied by other children012
20.  Often volunteers to help others (parents, teachers, other children)012
21.  Thinks things out before acting012
22.  Steals from home, school or elsewhere012
23.  Gets on better with adults than with other children012
24.  Many fears, easily scared012
25.  Sees tasks through to the end, good attention span012


Do you have any other comments or concerns?



Overall, do you think that your child has difficulties in one or more of the following areas: emotions, concentration, behaviour or being able to get on with other people?
NoYes – minor difficultiesYes – definite difficultiesYes – severe difficulties

If you answered “Yes”, please answer the following questions about these difficulties:

How long have these difficulties been present?
Less than a month1-5 months6-12 monthsOver a year
Do these difficulties upset or distress your child?
Not at allOnly a littleQuite a lotA great deal


Do the difficulties interfere with your child’s everyday life in the following areas?
HOME LIFENot at allOnly a littleQuite a lotA great deal
FRIENDSHIPSNot at allOnly a littleQuite a lotA great deal
CLASSROOM LEARNINGNot at allOnly a littleQuite a lotA great deal
LEISURE ACTIVITIESNot at allOnly a littleQuite a lotA great deal


Do these difficulties put a burden on you or the family as a whole?
Not at allOnly a littleQuite a lotA great deal




Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) S18+

Instructions: For each item, please mark the box for Not True, Somewhat True or Certainly True. It would help us if you answered all items as best you can even if you are not absolutely certain. Please give your answers on the basis of how the person you are describing has been over the last six months.

0.      Not True1.      Somewhat True2.      Certainly True
1.      Considerate of other people’s feeling012
2.      Restless, overactive, finds it hard to sit down for long012
3.      Often complains of headaches, stomach-aches or sickness012
4.      Shares readily with others, for example food and drink012
5.      Often loses temper012
6.      Would rather be alone than with other people012
7.      Generally willing to do what other people want012
8.      Many worries, often seems worried012
9.      Helpful if someone is hurt, upset or feeling ill012
10.  Constantly fidgeting or squirming012
11.  Has at least one good friend012
12.  Often fights with others or bullies them012
13.  Often unhappy, down-hearted or tearful012
14.  Generally liked by others012
15.  Easily distracted, concentration wanders012
16.  Nervous in new situations, easily loses confidence012
17.  Kind to children012
18.  Often lies or cheats012
19.  Picked on or bullied by others012
20.  Often volunteers to help others (family members, friends, colleagues)012
21.  Thinks things out before acting012
22.  Steals from home, work or elsewhere012
23.  Gets along better with older people than with people of his/her age012
24.  Many fears, easily scared012
25.  Sees tasks through to the end, good attention span012


Do you have any other comments or concerns?


Overall, do you think that the person you are describing has difficulties in one or more of the following areas: emotions, concentration, behaviour or being able to get on with other people?
NoYes – minor difficultiesYes – definite difficultiesYes – severe difficulties


If you answered “Yes”, please answer the following questions about these difficulties:


How long have these difficulties been present?
Less than a month1-5 months6-12 monthsOver a year

Do these difficulties upset or distress the person you are describing?

Not at allOnly a littleQuite a lotA great deal
Do the difficulties interfere with this person’s everyday life in the following areas?
Getting along with the people he/she is closest to (e.g. family, partner)Not at allOnly a littleQuite a lotA great deal
Making and keeping friendsNot at allOnly a littleQuite a lotA great deal
Work or studyNot at allOnly a littleQuite a lotA great deal
Hobbies, sports or other leisure activitiesNot at allOnly a littleQuite a lotA great deal
Ці труднощі обтяжують ваших близmких (членів сім’ї, друзів)?
Not at allOnly a littleQuite a lotA great deal





Instructions: We would like you to tell us about how you see your family at the moment. So we are asking for YOUR view of your family.

When people say ‘your family’ they often mean the people who live in your house. But we want you to choose who you want to count as the family you are going to describe.

For each item, make your choice by putting a circle around just one of the options numbered 1 to 5. If a statement was “We are always fighting each other” and you felt this was not especially true of your family, you would put a tick in box 4 for “Describes us: not well”.

Do not think for too long about any question, but do try to circle on of the options for each question.




1.      Describes us: Very well2.      Describes us: well3.      Describes us: Partly4.      Describes us: Not well5.      Describes us: Not at all
1.      In my family we talk to each other about things which matter to us12345
2.      People often don’t tell each other the truth in my family12345
3.      Each of us gets listened to in our family12345
4.      It feels risky to disagree in our family12345
5.      We find it hard to deal with everyday problems12345
6.      We trust each other12345
7.      It feels miserable in our family12345
8.      When people in my family get angry they ignore each other on purpose12345
9.      We seem to go from one crisis to another in my family12345
10.  When one of us is upset they get looked after within the family12345
11.  Things always seem to go wrong for my family12345
12.  People in the family are nasty to each other12345
13.  People in my family interfere too much in each other’s lives12345
14.   In my family we blame each other when things go wrong12345
15.  We are good at finding new ways to deal with things that are difficult12345


What words would best describe your family?


What is the problem/challenge that brought you to therapy? The main problem is


How severe is it? Please mark your answer on the line below:

No problem at all                                                                                                                  Really bad



How are you managing as a family?

Very well                                                                                                                                  Very badly



Do you think the therapy here will be / has been helpful?

Very helpful                                                                                                                              Unhelpful